Austin Reichanadter draws.
As an autistic teenager, Austin spends most of his free time with pencil and paper, surrounded by open books, plastic animals, computers, dvds, Ipads and ipods; all at once. His subjects are expressive animals, dinosaurs, or Mogli. They are in action, in 3D and pull you into their world. Your eyes meet their eyes and you can sense their energy. They are ready to leap off the page into your world.
He researches his subjects – in books and on the computer - while listening to Van Morrison, Queen, AC/DC, Tony Bennett or multi-language songs. The pages in his sketch book will often have a series of animals, from all different continents, or a series of tigers combined with leopards, lions, jaguars, elephants. Austin will set up a scene of plastic animals and draw them in action. He practices body parts – eyes, hands, dinosaur feet.
As a young child, Austin’s favorite color was red. As an artist, Austin will test out his pencils in ROYGVIB order – yet he was never taught the visible spectrum.
When Austin is not drawing, he attends the Lake Washington Transition Academy, a school program for teens – learning job skills and life skills in the community. After school he can be found at The Redmond Hub socializing with other teens and adults in the community. He likes to ski, visit the library, travel with his family, and play video games with his brother.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Austin at